Sunday, September 23, 2012

nine days

With nine days until departure from JFK to Ben Gurion, I consider what I left to do. Buy space bags. Buy a commercial-sized box of Luna bars. Somehow fit my life necessities into two fifty-pound bags. Visit the doctor for the last time to undergo my final shots and TB test (what even is that?!).

Upon visiting the travel clinic at Hopkins a month ago, the nurse handed me thirteen packets for thirteen different countries of thirteen sets of information about each country's public health and hygiene. She appeared satisfied that I would survive and/or elude the flu, typhoid fever, malaria, diarrhea, dehydration, polio, tetanus, meningitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hay fever.

"Oh, one more thing," she said, pointing at a map of India. "You'll be at risk for rabies in every country, specifically India. We're recommending the rabies vaccine - for $795."

My mom looked at me.

"You'll be in India for only a few weeks," she said. "Stay away from the monkeys."

Whether I encounter rabid monkeys in the next eight months or not, I hope to continue and maintain this travel blog. Check back often to hear about struggles with packing, jet lag, learning Arabic - the whole mishegas.

Rebecca Abbott

(Kivunim -

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